گریس های TBM مدل RAGA BSG-90
First Fill Tail Sealant Grease for shielded TBM Machines
Feature and Benefits
■ It has formulated as a ” first fill ” product to resist water and ground pressure .
■ Airtight of layer between tunnel boring machine and tunnel vault .
■ Excellent adhesiveness characteristic , insoluble in water.
■ Excellent Pumping properties and adhesion on most surfaces .
■ Strong fibrous structures , insoluble in water and working under high pressure .
■ Applied using brush or any other suitable spray gun system .
■ Prevents the ingress of soil , water or grout into shielded TBMs.
Packaging & Storage
■ In 230 kg steel drums
■Storage : under cover and in close container . Do not store below 10 ° C temperature .